Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rheumatology Appointment At Texas Children's

Yesterday I had an appointment with a pediatric rheumatologist at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. Luckily, this wasn't the same rheumatologist that I had seen a few years ago that told me I was crazy and had "conversion disorder." The meeting went smoothly. We spent two hours with him, and he was a very nice and thorough (a good combo when it comes to doctors). He said that he would like to order some blood work, he took x-rays of my hands, wrists, elbows, and ankles, he also needs to review my images and other tests from the past two years, I may need another MRI or other testing, but hopefully night. Once he reviews the testing he said he can hopefully figure out what "box" to put me in and give the transplant doctors his report and evaluation. The doctor felt bad about being put in the position that he is in, as he has not treated me the past few years, and the fact that he has only met me once. Ultimately, it is the transplant teams decision as to whether or not they will do the transplant. They want to make sure that they are not going to do any harm by performing a transplant. So the waiting continues. I will continue to get my weekly chemo infusions of methotrexate. I am just trying to take each day one at a time. I am praying to God that I will get this transplant, and that we will begin the process with in the next few weeks or month. God is truly my rock. I know that he is watching over me, and that he has plan for me. I know that if I just trust and have faith in him, I can be at peace. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta