Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tests, Tests, And More Tests

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, things have been a little crazy around here, between my weekly chemo, my grandfather having an unexpected major surgery (he's doing well now), my mom preparing to defend her dissertation, and 3 out of 4 of us getting over a bad virus. 
But, things seemed to have settled down a bit. This passed Wednesday I spent the entire day wheeling around Texas Children's in Houston, in my electric wheelchair getting testing done, ordered by the BMT doctor. I had a 24 hour urine/creatinine study to make sure my kidneys are working, a pulmonary function test (PFT), chest CT, an echocardiogram, and several tubes of blood taken. All of these tests were ordered to make sure that my organs are functioning well enough to withstand a transplant, and to help the doctors determine what kind of protocol to use. Dr. Martinez (transplant doc) said that she and her team will review the results and other notes in their weekly meeting (which is on Thursday's), and then they will probably call me back down their to discuss a plan. Since my tests were done last Wednesday, and they wont get the results right away they will probably discuss them this coming Thursday, but who knows? My family as well as my oncologist and nurses here in Austin, take this as a good sign that they will be doing the transplant, unless something is really wrong with my organs, which is unlikely. I am just praying very hard that God will provide me with this transplant, this is the closest that I have ever been, and I hope it happens. I am trying to stay as busy as possible, studying for my GED, reading my Bible, and keeping my mind distracted, but you can't help but think about it. I have such wonderful friends and family that are so supportive, loving and encouraging, and of course I have God and my faith. I know that he has this divine plan for me and I hope that a transplant is part of that plan. In the meantime I just have to get through the waiting as patiently as possible, try not to get sick, and to stay as positive as I possibly can. I will post as soon as I have any news. Thanks for all the support!!!!

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta