Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The What If’s?

Related imageWhen you find out that you are living with a disorder that you have been living with and had symptoms of all your life and you didm't know it, you begin to ask the question of what if? What if we had known that I had MD when I was a baby, what if I  hadn’t had all the infusions and powerful medications I did? What if this, what if that? All of these what ifs start to enter your mind, and if you let it it will drive you absolutely crazy. In one way everything has changed since I got the diagnosis of MD, but in other ways nothing has changed. Throughout this first year of being diagnosed, it it seems as though the what ifs are constantly creeping in to my thought process, and I have to stop myself. Although thinking about the what ifs and life especially after receiving a life-changing diagnosis like MD is normal, there becomes a point where it becomes negative and all consuming. I get asked by friends at times, what if I knew I had MD sooner, how would my life be different? When these questions get asked, I try to not to go into a heavy discussion about it, because if I do the thoughts start being all consuming. Focusing on the past does not do anything for today or for the future, and thinking about the what ifs is focusing on the past. In all reality, what does focusing on the what ifs accomplish? Does it allow me to grow, or stay positive? No it doesn't. I am sure that as the first year of being diagnosed with MD passes the what ifs will come to mind less and less and when they do come to mind or am asked a what if question I will not focus on it. It is important for everyone to remember that thinking and focusing on the what ifs in life will not allow us to go forward but will cause us to go backward. Going forward is going into the positive and going backward is going into the negative, and the positive is where we should all be, especially when your living with something like MD where the positives are hard to find. All you need to remember is what a precious God-given privilege life is. Just to be here and experience what I have experienced is a gift. Other rewards await me and as my life unfolds I will experience what they are.