Thursday, August 9, 2012

Books Books Books

I have never really considered myself a big reader, but lately I have been reading some books that have really helped me cope during this tough journey. I like to read a variety of things from christian, self help, to mysteries from Agatha Christie. But the past three books that I have just read were truly some of my favorites. They were:

  • Why Bad Things Happen To Good People by Harold S. Kushner
  • Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
  • Journeys Of Hope: 30 True Stories Of Faith In Adversity collected by Allison Gappa Bottke
These three books really helped me to be able to deal with my chronic illness and a different way, and also helped me to see the role that God and faith played in that journey. There have been so many different emotions that I have had during this process, that I sometimes haven't been able to see things clearly and rationally. Lately there have been numerous instances where I have questioned God and my faith, and have come very close to cursing God. These books have served as a source of inspiration for me. I have begun to understand that God has not done this to spite me, and that these things haven't happened to me because I wasn't praying hard enough or the right way, or because I wasn't reading my Bible often enough. I try and read my Bible every day, and pray at least once day. I used to think by doing that, and by doing everything the way God would want me to, that he would reward me with a Bone Marrow Transplant. Its like if you study hard enough you get straight A's, or if you did all your choice you would be rewarded with a new outfit. I started to realize after reading these books that it doesn't way. I also came to realize that my illness is part of the laws of physics, its an occurrence in the body that just happens, not something that God can control. 

Its wonderful that these books were able to teach me such important lessons, and were able to help me in such a positive way both spiritually and not. People always stress the importance of reading. I am now trying to read everyday, not just because I have to for studying but just because I want to. But these aren't the only books that I have loved. I am currently more than 80% done with the book The Help, and I absolutely love it. Reading can provide such a wonderful escape. It helps me to clear my mind and get a new perspective on things. And with this roller coaster ride I'm on, I can use any escape I can get. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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