Friday, December 19, 2014

Never Give Up

    I found out on Tuesday that the external review for the IVIG was denied. As you can imagine, this was completely heartbreaking for both me and my family. This was the last level appeal so there is nothing else that I can do to get it, except for legal action, as the decision made by the external review is binding. I was really hoping that it being approved was my Christmas miracle, but I know that the real Christmas miracle is the birth of Christ. But even though I can't get the IVIG, I am not giving up. At my last appointment with Dr. C we talked about back up treatments besides going back on the Cytoxan chemotherapy. It seems as though Rituxan might be the next choice. It is very immunosuppresive and suppresses the B cells which are a key part of the immune system. It suppresses them for almost a year. Although this treatment makes me nervous and am not sure if it is the right choice. I do trust Dr. C and Dr. CB and know that they will come up with a good treatment plan that is in my best interest. 

      Going through all of this helps me to really remember a saying that is on a bracelet I am wearing, "Never Give Up". This bracelet was a part of a joy jar that given to me by a friend. These Joy Jars are given to kids in the hospital by the Jessie Rees Foundation. Jessie Rees was a girl who had cancer and created joy jars for kids in the hospital, and fighting illnesses. The main message that they share is Never Give Up (NEGU). I wear the bracelet and it reminds me to do so, in every aspect of life. Whether it is dealing with my illness, trying to earn my diploma, or whatever it may be. I always keep on fighting. I will never give up, no one should. 

Joyful Love 
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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