Friday, June 22, 2012

Pleasantly Surprised

Yesterday I had an appointment in San Antonio with my Oncologist Dr. Patel. I have to admit I was pretty nervous because when I saw my rheumatologist Dr. Carrasco about a month a go we were under the impression that they were not going to do a sub-ablative autologous stem cell transplant, and instead they were going to do the HiCy treatment (the maximum dose of Cytoxan over a 4 or 5 day period). When I heard that I was crushed, something in me told me that I shouldn't do that treatment, so the time leading up to the appointment I was going crazy, having all these fears and anxieties. When Dr. Patel walked into the exam room he greeted us and handed my grandfather a piece of paper and said, "that is the name and phone number of the transplant coordinator/doctor at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston." My first thought was transplant doctor? I had pretty much given hope on a Bone Marrow Transplant no longer being in option. He said that he had talked to this doctor in the BMT unit, and she really wanted to meet me to see if I would be a good candidate for a BMT. We had thought that a transplant was not an option due to protocols, but Dr. Patel said that protocols should not be an issue. Of course after receiving this new my grandfather and I were pleasantly surprised, after we left I couldn't (and still can't) stop smiling. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but my grandfather says its OK if I do.They have to get insurance approval before I can schedule an appointment, so I am just praying that insurance is not a problem. In the mean time Dr. Patel has pit me on 20mg of injectable Methotrexate a week to help keep me as stable as possible, and of course I am trying not to constantly think about it. I need to stay in the positivee. My mom and I will be spending three nights in Port Aransas, starting this coming Sunday while my grandparents are in Corpus Christi for a cofference. Its nice that we will be able to have some time to get away and relax before having any treatment. Both mom and I could definitely use a break. I know that whatever happens in regards to my treatment, it is all  in God's hands and I need to let go let God. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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