Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tough Week

This has been a tough week for our country, with the bombing's of the Boston Marathon and at MIT, and the fertilizer plant explosion in West, TX. I have been praying for those who were injured and lost their lives, and their families. Tragedies like the bombing makes it more prevalent that evil does exist in the world. When any tragedy occurs, many people wonder if their is a God, and if their is, does he care? The answer is yes. Our God is a merciful and wonderful God, and every tear we shed, and pain we feel, he also feels it. People always ask the question "why do bad things happen to good people?" I can't really answer that question, as its above my pay grade. I do believe that God loves us with all is heart, as He gave His only son for us. We can't stop bad things from happening in this world, but we can choose to continue to trust and have faith in God. I believe that His love is always with us, and that He will always take care of us and watch over us in the good times and the bad.

In addition to the tough week our nation has had, I had a tough day yesterday, as I got my first increased dose of my weekly chemo. I went up from 30 mg to 35. I have mixed feelings about it. I was upset at first, because I didn't want to deal with worsening side effects, but at the same time, I knew it could help some with my symptoms, and keep me alive and somewhat stable. Im feeling pretty blah today, and just flu-like. But I'm pushing through, and going to get a manicure and pedicure this afternoon with my mom, so that will be relaxing. Even though this has been a difficult week for me and many in this nation, I know that we will come out victoriously. I love what Deuteronomy 20:4 says, "For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." I love this scripture verse, it is so encouraging. It helps me to know that God is always with us, and will help us against our difficulties, so that we will come out stronger and victoriously. I believe that with faith, and determination we can get through any obstacle, and reap the fruits of God's abundance and blessings. May God bless each one of you, and this nation. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord 
Alexandra K. Acosta 

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