Saturday, May 4, 2013

Let Go Let God

I have a charm from James Avery, that says "Let Go Let God." It was given to me by my grandmother to put on my charm necklace. She thought that this was a perfect charm for me, considering my situation. Whenever I get frustrated and discouraged, my grandmother always says, "Let Go Let God." I can tell you that when she says that, I get really annoyed and frustrated. I think its because that it is something easier said than done. I know she is just trying to be positive and encouraging. Me being the religious and spiritual person that I am I really try to put in practice trusting and having faith in God. One of my favorite examples of this in scripture, is the story of Joseph. Joseph was thrown into the pit, had his coat stollen from him, and sold into slavery by his brothers, yet he continued to trust and have faith in God that his dream would come to pass. His master Pottiphar let Joseph run his home, but Pottiphar's wife seduced Joseph, but being faithful to the Lord Joseph rejected her, and she took his coat, gave it to Pottiphar and said Joseph attacked her. He was put in prison, and he continued to remain faithful. While in prison he met Pharoh's cupbearer and baker, and interpreted a dream for them. He asked the cupbearer to put in a good name for him to Pharoh. The cupbearer and baker were released and the baker ended up being killed. Joseph continued to spend the next two years in prison, but the warden ended up putting him in charge of the prison. One day the Pharoh told his cupbearer about a dream that he had, and the cupbearer said, oh their was this dream interpreter in prison, and the Pharoh asked him to be brought to him. Joseph was released from prison and brought to Pharoh. He told Pharoh that a great famine would occur and that he needed to appoint someone to rule. Pharoh appointed Joseph because he said that since God gave him the ability to have and interpret these dreams, that he would be perfect for the job. Joseph ended up becoming second in command, and was given a linen robe, and Pharoh's signet ring as a sign of his authority. Joseph's brothers who betrayed him, ended up coming to him for help during the famine. Joseph's continuing faith and trust in God allowed his dream and destiny come to pass, and he received abundant blessings. 

This story inspires me to continue to have faith and trust in God, even when I have difficulties and hurdles in my life. I love what Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." I know that even though I can't see the light at the end of tunnel, I have faith that it is their, and have faith that God will get me through it. 

On another note, I am still waiting to hear from Houston. A week ago from yesterday, Dr. Martinez's office said that she was needing to meet with the rheumatologist this past week, and that if I haven't heard anything by Friday, to call back and hopefully she will give me her decision. I will call on Monday for an update. In the meantime I'm struggling and hanging in their, my muscle enzymes aren't looking good, and they shouldn't be as high as they are on the dose of chemo that I'm on, and my SED rate (which measures inflammation) is 3x the high normal. This increased chemo is taking a toll on my body, I'm having horrible nausea and mouth sores, but I know this will be a cakewalk compared to the transplant. I'm looking forward to seeing my friends who are home for the summer from college, and hanging out and catching up with them. I am trying to take it one day at a time and "Let Go Let God."

Joyful Love 
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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