Saturday, October 26, 2013

It's Time For Your Software To NOT Be Updated

Just recently Apple told me that the software on my iPhone 5 and iPad 2 needed to be updated. So I updated the software which completely changed the look of the phone and iPad. Although it looks cleaner and more simple I find the buttons can be a bit more difficult to use because they are not clearly outlined on the screen, there more integrated then before. If that makes any sense. Right after the update many of my apps on both phone and pad were not working and quitting unexpectedly. This was because the companies that made the apps were not aware of the software upgrade to iOS 7 so were therefore incompatible. My Pillbox app for example, that tells me when and what medicines I need to take, has an alarm that sounds when its time for me to take a medication and will continue to sound every minute or so until you check off the medication thus ensuring that you remember to take it. When the update occurred the app would not open but the alarm would still sound when it was time to take my medicine but there was no way to turn it off, unless I was to delete the app thus deleting all of the medication info, and then download the updated version. Fortunately a few minutes after the alarm went off and I was trying to figure out how to turn it off without deleting all the info, the app was able to be updated, and I was able to turn off the alarm and still save all the data on it. This was just one example of the difficulties I have had with this new update from Apple. 

As many of you know I have to practically live in a bubble to protect myself from getting infections. So technology, and social media is "my life line." I use my iPhone a lot for texting, Facebook, listening to music, playing games, spending time on hold with doctors offices, and even watching videos. So as you can imagine all of that would cause the battery to run low then if I just texted a few times, and Facebook 2 or 3 times a day. The battery life on my iPhone 5 was/is so much more better than on my previous Android phone, and many who have switched from an Android to an iPhone would agree. But because of the large amount I use my phone for things other than talking and texting a little bit, the battery does run more quickly. This prompted me to order an external battery extender, that looks like a phone cover, for $20 off of Amazon. I ordered it before the software update, and when the battery is running low, I just turn on the extender which charges the phone and allows me to continue to be able to use it while it is charging. After the software update I started noticing that the battery was running out faster than before, and many other iPhone users have said the same thing. This was done so that customers would go out and purchase one of the new iPhones that are now available in different colors. I can honestly say that if I didn't have the external battery extender, I would have gone and purchased a new iPhone. As you can see,  with all the difficulties I have had with this new iOS 7 software, there is a reason why I said it was NOT an update. 

On a different note things are moving along. I am really enjoying my online Art & Music Appreciation course with the Keystone School. I just completed the rough draft of my semester research paper on Thursday. When I sit at my table and do my work in the afternoon I feel like a "normal" twenty year old who would be working on schoolwork in their apartment or dorm room. I am having fun getting back into a schedule, expanding my knowledge, and learning new things. My grandmother helps me on a few things, and edits my paper, and it is a nice thing for us to spend time doing together. 

Health wise things have been a bit of a challenge. I have had a lot more weakness, fatigue, joint pain, stiffness, and swelling (particularly in my feet and ankles). I had to have a swallow study this past Thursday because I have been having difficulty swallowing when I drink things. They determined its most likely from weakness and inflammation caused by my myositis. I have a wonderful PT named Dr. Price who comes out to my house and works with me, and taught my grandmother some passive stretches that shed could do for my swollen feet and ankles. I can tell you it feels absolutely wonderful. I will also have a speech therapist come and see me and possible give me some exercises that could help with my difficulty swallowing. Everyday is a new day and I am just trying to adapt to new challenges as they arrive. I am relying more and more in my faith in God to help me not get discouraged. It can be difficult when things become more difficult, but knowing that he is my source of strength gives me peace and courage. I love what Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." This is one of my favorite scripture verses, and one that I meditate upon daily, particularly if I am finding it difficult to do something. God has blessed me with a lot, and I thank him daily because I know that without Him, I would not have the wonderful blessed life that I do. Even though I am sick and face challenges daily, I am loved and blessed, and that in addition to my faith in God Almighty is what sustains me each and every day.

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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