Sunday, October 6, 2013

Striving For A New Goal

I have been doing my first online course (Art & Music Appreciation) with the Keystone School for the past month and a half. I am doing really well, and have a 98.82% average in the class. I have always enjoyed learning and school, and when I was in middle school, before I got sick, I was a straight A student in the National Junior Honor Society. After I got sick, and went back to school for my freshmen year of high school, I was not doing as well in school as I would have liked to. I could do the work academically, but physically with all of the pain, stiffness, fatigue, and getting sick practically every week, I just couldn't do it. This was extremely hard for me because ever since I was in middle school, I have always had the dream of being valedictorian of my class when I graduated. Because it was so hard for me to do well academically while I was Anderson, it seemed like that goal was completely out of reach. I wasn't even in the top ten percent of my class. When I started my first online program through UT, that dream was resurrected, but was put on hold yet again, when I got extremely sick and had to stop the program. My education focus shifted to trying to get my GED, where my goal was to get a score that would be equivalent to graduating top of my class. But when we realized that getting my GED was just not going to work out, we started researching online diploma programs, and found the Keystone School. Learning that everything can be done online or through the mail (including all tests and finals), and that I can take 1-6 courses at a time with one year to complete them from the enrollment date, we realized that it would be a great fit for me. My goal of being number one was resurrected again. When I enrolled in my AMA course, and began completing the lessons and first couple of assignments and quizzes, and was getting 100s on all of them, I started really to begin working more and more to be number one. When I got my first and then second 99, and my average went to a 98, I got upset. I felt that I had to make all 100s with just maybe one 99 to be number one, and nothing else. With my program being self-paced, I am no sure if they do typical class rankings, but I do know that by meeting certain academic criteria, that students can qualify for the National Society of High School Scholars, a goal I am striving to achieve. I am working hard at not beating myself up if my average is a 99 or 98. Having a 97 or above will make me close, if not number one. 

When I started to work more and more toward this goal after starting Keystone, I began reflecting on whether or not I wanted to be number one to prove to other people that I can be top of my class despite being so sick, or whether or not it was something I wanted to do for me. I believe that if God puts a dream in someone's heart, that it is something that we should strive to achieve. He wouldn't have given us the dream if we didn't have the talent and ability to do it. When talking with my palliative care doctor, we talked about how since the circumstances regarding my illness have changed, my goals have since become more realistic and attainable. I feel that being number one in my class and when I graduate is one of those attainable goals. 

I do know that I need the Lord's love, strength and guidance to achieve this, and all of my goals. I have learned that I must trust and rely on the Lord in all that I do. I know that with Him the impossible becomes possible, when it doesn't seem like it can happen in the natural, I remember that we serve a supernatural God. I love what Mark 9:23 says, "Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."It helps me to know that if I believe it is possible, than it is possible. But I must rely on the Lord. I'm continuing to work as hard as possible to reach my goal of being number one, but I also am believing that I will be as well. I know that I have many obstacles in front of me, that to some would make the goal seem extremely difficult to achieve, but that just makes me even more determined to accomplish my goal. I know that because God has put this dream in my heart, he has also put inside of me the tools needed to accomplish my dream. That is what gives me the peace and confidence I need make it come to fruition. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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