Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cold & Flu Season Has Arrived

As an immunocompromised individual, I have to be extra careful than most of getting sick. But when cold & flu season nears, I practically need to be a hermit. and definitely keep the hand sanitizer and Dial Soap companies in business. Making sure I am not exposed to germs or around people who are or have been sick, is one of the things I have control over when it comes to my health, as a majority of it is out of my control. Although it can definitely be a challenge. I have to remember that the benefits of protecting me from getting an infection, which could indeed be fatal for me, outweigh the things I have to avoid doing because of their risks to me, even if I enjoy doing them immensely.
      In the past month, two weeks apart I have suffered two infections. The first one, a month ago this coming Wednesday, was a sore throat accompanied by a 101 degree fever. Coincidentally I was on an antibiotic for a skin thing and started the day before I got sick, so that was a blessing. We don't know if it was a virus or strep throat due to the fact that I didn't go to the doctor. But I did text my doctor and she said that  their had been a lot of viral pharyngitis going around, but that it was good I was on an antibiotic. Then, two weeks ago this past Wednesday, my mom was staying with us for two nights due to a training. She had a cold, and thought it was the same thing that I had, so I wouldn't get it again. Towards that weekend, she sounded like she was getting better. Last Sunday evening I started having a sore throat and it continued on Monday. I texted my doctor Monday afternoon, but never got a response (I learned her kids dropped it in water so she can't receive texts). I still went to my OT consultation even though my grandfather didn't want me to, because I had a 101 fever, but I felt I couldn't cancel so last minute. As the day wore on I felt worse, and that evening I went to the after hours clinic. Though I had taken children's Tylenol (since its the only one that comes in liquid form) and had some ice cream, so my temperature was down. I saw Dr. Brook and he said that my throat was a bit red but didn't look like it was strep, but did do a rapid strep test and a 24 hour run. He said it was most likely viral and didn't want to do antibiotics. Luckily and coincidentally I ran into my primary doctor, Dr. Markley, who my family and I absolutely LOVE. We said hello and told her what was wrong and she kind a did a quick exam in the hall, and said even if the strep comes negative she will probably talk with Dr. Brook about putting me on an antibiotic given my history. Even though some of the things I get are viral, the doctors put me antibiotics because of the fact that infections could be fatal for me. Both strep tests were negative and I was put on antibiotic and am now feeling better, turns out it was a sinus infection. Luckily I'm between immunosuppressants, so the infections weren't as bad as they could have  been. Although the fact I got two infections two weeks apart while not on any will not make Dr. C happy, and will mean I need to be more careful when I begin them again.
      It is very hard to be so vigilant about not getting sick, and now with Enterovirus have being here in Texas, we are now even more vigilant about going out places except when necessary. Although one might be very frustrated with having to be so alert and on guard when it comes to getting sick, I know it is to protect me and keep me going. I have had many infections, a few that were quite serious and could have been fatal, yet I am blessed to have survived them. Despite the difficulties I face and the sacrifices I have to make, I know that making them, like avoiding crowds when possible, not being around young children, and wearing a mask when necessary, it is by because of doing these things I am still here. Although this can a difficult time of year for me health wise in various ways, I do what I need to do knowing that I will have the ability to live a wonderful blessed life. 

Joyful Love 
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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