Friday, November 21, 2014

My School Project

For the past two weeks, I have been working on a project about the geologic time scale for my online Earth Science class. This has been the most time consuming assignment for my online diploma program. The project entailed creating a timeline of the four eons of the geologic time scale, and the twelve periods of the Phanerozoic Eon, and creating a model of a major life form or event for each eon and period. Last week, I spent the time allotted for my schoolwork, taking notes about the events and life forms of each of the eons and periods, which took a lot of work. Since I had doctors appointment each day last weak, and those wore me down, I had to squeeze and time working on the project. On Monday afternoon my grandfather took me to Wal-Mart to get me the supplies I needed for the project. We usually don't shop at Wal-Mart, so navigating the store was a bit of a challenge, not knowing where everything was. Luckily I had made a list to make sure I didn't forget anything. I had to get some Play-Doh, toy animals, M&M's, neon colored paper, table cloth, and some other stuff. As my grandfather and I were shopping, it reminded me of when I was in elementary school, and my grandfather, or my grandmother, and I would go shopping for supplies for school projects. It really was a nice afternoon. 
      I spent some of that evening, and all of Tuesday creating the clay models. Which for a person who has arthritis and muscle issues, that is no easy thing. But it was good occupational therapy for my hands, and was quite fun. My mom and grandparents said that they didn't realize how good of a sculptor I was. I then spent all of Wednesday creating the signs for the eons and periods, and that evening setting up the timeline on our dining room table after dinner. I have to thank my grandparent for bearing with me through this project, by letting me takeover our dining room table in order to set up my timeline, and by agreeing to go out to eat last night. After we came home from dinner last night, my grandfather helped me do a video of the timeline, which was part of the assignment. After doing two takes and working on editing, he agreed to help me do the video again this afternoon, because it was nine minutes long, and I needed to shorten it. So I spent today creating the script for my video and got it down to a little over two minutes. Now all I have to do is the paper tomorrow, and then I finally get to turn in my project. 
      Although this project was the most challenging assignment so far of this online program, and was quite time consuming, I had a great time working on it. I love doing activities that show my creativity, and being able to express that in school projects, and show that to my teachers. I also want to thank my grandfather, whose help was invaluable for this assignment. He took me shopping for all the supplies, and helped me do more than one take in order to get a good video. I really enjoyed this working on this project, I learned a lot, and I can't wait for the next one. 

Joyful Love 
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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