After not being on any treatment for several months, it is nice that I have finally been started on a treatment. It is still very frustrating because I am still having an increase of symptoms; joint swelling stiffness, heliotrope rash, muscle weakness and fatigue. It is extremely frustrating that I have had one treatment and have not noticed a different. Even though logically I know that I wouldn't, I still wanted to notice a difference. It is really hard that I am having an increase and symptoms and feeling cruddy. I am continuing to work on my Earth Science class, and that is something that has helped me to be able to continue to do something that is intellectually stimulating and to have a routine.
I still do not have a rheumatologist, so our next step is to appeal to the Children's Hospital to allow me to stay with Dr. C since no other rheumatologist will take me. Not having a rheumatology visit scheduled my whole family feels as though we are in limbo, and as though I am in limbo. I am continuing to pray and trust that God is with me and my family during this difficult time, and He will take care of everything. That helps me to have peace of heart, mind, and soul, and that provides great comfort.
Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta
It sounds like you've been through one heck of a journey. God gives his toughest battles to the strongest soldiers. Keep fighting the good fight.