Friday, September 11, 2015

Remembering September 11th

Today we remember the tragic events that occurred 14 years ago on September, 11th, 2001. The events of that Tuesday morning will always play over each anniversary in the minds of Americans. Even though I was only in the third grade at the time, I can still remember that day and the following events that occurred. I remember I was sitting in the classroom of one of my 3rd grade teacher's, Ms. Pounds. She received a phone call from her father telling her about what was going on, and she turned on the television and we began watching it. Of course me and the other kids did not realize what was going on and didn't understand the magnitude of what was going on. The principal came on and said to turn off the television's but it was hard to. The rest of school went on, with teachers trying to keep classes normal. I remember on my way home from school with my grandmother telling her about what happened, of course she already knew, but the magnitude about what happened was not really talked about. To a third grader like me, it was just something sad that happened, I didn't understand the severity of it. I remember that as my family watched the news for the next week the images that were played on the screen. The fire trucks rushing by, people running covered in ash completely white. I vividly remember a news special about the missing of 9/11 and one woman her story I remember. Her son or daughter was about my age, and they showed her picture and didn't know what her fate was. Each year on the anniversary of 9/11 I always think of her and her family. Was she found, what has her children's lives have been like since the attacks?  I wonder each year on September 11th.

I remember shortly after the attacks flying to Houston one weekend to visit my dad's family, and then San Francisco with my grandparents a week later. No one wanted to fly, the airports and planes were completely bare. Security at the airports was a lot more tight then before 9/11, there were armed guards there as well. I remember that after September, 11th you would have to get to the airports much earlier because it would take like an hour and a half to get through security, and it wasn't like that before 9/11.

As I got older and became more secure in my Christian faith, questions like how could God let this happened? started to get asked. I know that God didn't let this happen, He doesn't want to see His children harmed. The events of that day were an act of evil. Questions like this will always arise after tragedy's like the one on 9/11 and we may not be able to answer them.

The day of September, 11th will always be remembered in the hearts of Americans, and the world. Today and each year on the anniversary of 9/11 we remember the lives that were lost and the men and women who bravely gave their lives. There families have sacrificed so much as well. They will all be in our hearts and minds forever. Not just on this day, and every anniversary of September ,11th 2001, but every day.

God Bless

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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