Saturday, November 25, 2017


Image result for StrengthWhen we are little we are taught that strength is physical, but it isn't until we are older, or until we experience certain circumstances, that we learn that strength is also mental and spiritual. I have never been strong physically, I was never the fastest kid, and I was the one who wasn't good at sports.
even though I wasn't strong physically, I learned that I was strong in other ways. Because I have always had things be more challenging for me physically, it has toughened me up in way. It helped me to realize that physical strength is not nearly as important as how strong I am mentally and spiritually. When you have a progressive disorder like Muscular Dystrophy, and you get weaker over time and you start to lose your ability to do things you have to find your inner strength just to deal with it. Yes, physical strength is important, but if you don't have the mental strength to deal with a situation, it makes it much harder to deal with. Since I have learned to tap into my mental strength, and my spiritual strength, it makes losing my physical strength easier to deal with. Even though, I have always had difficulty with physical strength, and things were always harder for me physically and that has increased over time, I was able to tap into my other sources of strength much earlier in life than most. When people ask me how I have the strength to deal with all of this I refer them to Philippians 4:13, which says, "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." This means that my strength to do deal with what I am going through each day doesn't come from my physical ability, it comes from God. God is what gives me the strength to get up each day, God gives me the strength to do my chest therapy and to hook up to my feeding up. It's because of God I have always, ever since I was little, had the strength to enjoy life despite the challenges I have had and continue to have. Just because I am not strong physically, it doesn't mean I don't have strength.

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