Saturday, December 3, 2011

Under the Weather....Yet Again

This morning I went the doctor because of a soar throat, nasal congestion, and a low grade fever. It turns out that I have a nasty sinus infection. I feel absolutely miserable, and it was just about a month ago that I was sick with a cold. I know that this is par for the course when your on chemo but it still sucks to no end. Luckily, the doctor started me on an antibiotic, and my fever isn't very high, if it gets over 100.5 and nearing 101 than I have to go to the ER, I'm crossing my fingers that that doesn't have to happen. If anyone has been sick with a cold or flu, and has had a fever, than you know what its like when your body, muscles, and joints just ache all over. When you have arthritis, and other autoimmune issues, its that x 10. Im just trying to stay relaxed drink, hot tea, and getting plenty of rest, what sucks even more is that it is cold and rainy outside, which makes feeling bad even worse. I am just trying to lay low and get over this thing as quickly as possible. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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