Thursday, December 1, 2011

Can't Stop Sleeping

At my last chemo treatment, which was here in Austin, my blood tests showed that not only was my white blood cell count low but I was also very anaemic. Both of these uncomfortable medical problems cause one to be extremely fatigued. I find myself taking three hour naps in the middle of the morning, and even an after noon siesta, and still going to bed at nine o'clock and sleeping ten hours. My mom says that this is completely normal for someone who is a anaemic and going through chemotherapy. But still, I hate that I can't stop sleeping. I feel as though I am lazy and not doing anything, but part of me knows that my body needs rest to heal. For those of us who have a chronic illness or are going through need to remember that there is no reason to feel bad about how tired and fatigued we are or how much we sleep. Our bodies are not like those of a normal healthy individuals, and it takes more energy for us to do simple tasks. So for those who think were just being lazy, you try living just one day in our shoes, and you will see why we are so tired, and why we can't stop sleeping.

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely not lazy and your mom is totally right...your body is just trying to get the rest it needs. Don't beat yourself up about it, just take it easy and do what you can when you feel up to it :).
