Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mini Vacation

This past Monday, my mom and I went to the Hyatt Hill Country Spa & Resort in San Antonio, and we came back Thursday. It was so wonderful to be able to get away for a bit, and relax, and come back refreshed and rejuvenated. A bonus was that we didn't have an extremely long car trip, but we were far enough that we felt like we were really away. The hotel was beautiful, and reminded me a lot of the Hyatt Lost Pines in Bastrop. This one seemed to be a better place to go in the summer time, with their multiple pools and other amenities. The Lost Pines seemed like a better place to go for the winter time. The first night we scoped the place out, and had dinner at their restaurant (which wasn't to bad), and then went up to our room to hang out and relax. The room was big, and very handicap accessible, so that was really nice. The next morning we took our time, and ordered some room service (it was pretty pricey, so we only did it that one time). We then headed over to the Wildflower Salon & Spa. It was a long walk, and pushing a wheelchair makes it even more difficult. We didn't know that they had a golf cart that could drive us to the spa and back, so we did that when we were done with our appointments, and the next day as well. It was such blessing to be able to have that amenity, and the driver/valet guy Chris really helped us during our stay when it came to transport. All of the staff was very friendly and helpful. Our first full day, we both got 90 minute massages, and mine was a therapeutic massage. It was HEAVENLY. I really wanted to have my feet and ankles massaged because they are swollen, as well as my hands and wrists. The therapist massaged all the areas that I wanted worked on, and she started and finished with my feet/ankles, which is exactly what I wanted. I know I have had a good massage when I don't want it to end, and I didn't want it to. Its interesting because nothing really helps alleviate the swelling in my feet and ankles, but when they get massaged, the swelling can go down for an hour our two, it may not be very long, but its an hour or two of bliss. After we were relaxed from our massages, one of my mom's best friend's from her PhD program at UT, Susan, who lives in San Antonio, and basically right down the road from the hotel, came and joined us at the hotel, where we hung out by the pool and had pina coladas (mine was a virgin of course) and hamburgers. Unfortunately shortly after we finished eating it started to rain, so we went back up to the room, and freshened up. Since we had a few hours to kill before dinner, we decided as a spur of the moment thing to go to the movies, and ended up going to see the Channing Tatum flick White House Down. It was pretty good, although we were a bit disappointed he didn't take his shirt off so we could see his "hot bod", but he looks good no matter what he is wearing. Afterwards we headed to a local Mexican restaurant, where I had delicious enchiladas with a tomatillo sauce, and a chocolate and flan cake for a treat. When we go out of town anywhere we like to go to places that are local. We don't want to go to an Outback Steakhouse or an Olive Garden, since we can go there here in Austin. Plus when your in San Antonio you have to get Mexican food, and the restaurant that we went to used fresh ingredients, and you could definitely tell. We were so full that we practically crashed right when we got back to the room. We both had a restful sleep, thanks to being so relaxed from our massages. 

The next morning mom went down to the "general store" in the hotel, and got us some Starbuck's coffee, and some banana nut bread and a bagel. Although they serve Starbuck's coffee their, it didn't taste like the coffee at Starbuck's, but it was good. My mom and I are coffee addicts, just like Lorelai and Rory in Gilmore Girls. After having a lazy morning taking our time, we went back to the spa. My mom didn't know if Susan was going to hang out with us again, because she didn't want me to feel that she was infringing on our mother-daugher time. I liked Susan a lot and asked if she wanted to hang out with us again, and mom was able to get her in for a last minute head and neck massage at the same time as we were getting our spa treatments. She was really excited about it, and she deserves it for working so hard both at her job, and on her dissertation for her PhD. Mom got a facial, and I got a second 90 minute massage. It was just as good as the first one (I had a different therapist though), and she worked on the areas I wanted her to focus on (particularly feet/ankles and hands/wrists), and just like the first one, she started and finished with the feet/ankles. And, the swelling went down for about an hour or two. After our treatments, we had some of the little snacks they had, and ordered lunch to be brought to us at the pool at the spa. The spa pool was so nice and relaxing, and there were no kids like there are at the activity pool, so that was nice. There were maybe 2 or 3 other people that came to the pool, but they sat farther from us an were relaxing themselves. After our poolside lunch, we went into the hot tub. The warm water felt so good on my muscles and joints, and it was even better because I had just finished the massage. We then just hung outside, got some sun, got in the pool (which was a bit more chilly then I would prefer), and relaxed. We then freshened up, and went to dinner at another local restaurant called Stone Werks. It reminds me a lot of Cool River here in Austin, and has a variety of food. We started of with a wonderful shrimp cocktail (my mom and I love shrimp), I had their delicious special pork chop with an apricot sauce, and carrots and wedged potatoes. We finished it off by splitting a delicious brownie topped with ice cream, and of course coffee. We went back to the hotel, said goodbye to Susan, and relaxed watching Royal Pains and Necessary Roughness, and playing Words With Friends. I just recently introduced my mom and grandmother to Words With Friends, and now they are addicted. The next morning we took our time, packed up, headed downstairs to hotel's buffet breakfast, which was pretty good, and then headed out on the road back to Austin. 

I am so thankful and blessed that my mom and I were given the opportunity to be able to go on this mini getaway, and spend time with each other, and a good friend. We have both been under a lot of stress lately, each of us dealing with different things (but some are the same), and my mom is going back to work next Friday. My mom has been working EXTREMELY hard, doing three different jobs. I can't express how proud I am of her and all that she has done. She has overcome a lot, and definitely deserved this vacation. I know that there are many people who can't afford to go on vacations like we were able to do, and that helps me to be thankful for all the wonderful blessings God has given me. Yes, my family and I are going through a lot right now with my illness, and other things, but there are more blessings and love then there are difficulties, stress and hardships. I thank God that he has provided for my family what we need, and I believe that this getaway was something that we needed. Some may not agree with that, but I believe that is was necessary, so that we were able to relax and take our minds off of all the stress at home and work, and to come back refreshed and rejuvenated, both physically and mentally. Colossians 1:11 says, "...being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience." I love this scripture verse, because I feel that it embodies what this vacation did for us. It allowed us to be able to relax, (for me to be able to mediate and have that one on one time with God) and be renewed so that we came back mentally strengthened so that we can endure the difficulties that we are facing, and be patient when dealing with everything. My mom and I are feeling a bit renewed and refreshed, and are trying to enjoy these last days before she has to go back to work. I know that this vacation, and others like it, are not something that we can do very often. I think that is what allows us to really slow down and enjoy every moment of it, because we know that it could be another year before we can enjoy doing something like it again. I also feel that it is important to try to get away for a day or two if you can, so that you can be renewed and strengthened even more. If you don't have the means to travel, light some scented candles, turn off the lights and enjoy a nice hot bubble bath or shower with scented soaps. Sit outside and close your eyes, and let the sun warm your face and relax you. If its rainy and yucky outside, curl up on the couch or bed with a blanket and watch a good movie with some popcorn, read a good book with your favorite cup of coffee or tea, or take a nice long nap. Anything that helps you to relax, and allows you to feel refreshed and strengthened, do it. Its important for all of us (whether we have a chronic illness or not) to take time and slow down from the hectic, stressful things that life brings. Especially now that the school year is about to start, stress levels and chaos will increase. But if once in awhile we take time, even if its just an hour, to slow down and recharge, we will have the endurance and patience to deal with whatever life brings. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

1 comment:

  1. So happy that you two are getting this special time. You are so good at finding all the good and savoring it. Now that you two are back in Austin together hope you can continue the use of candles or special games or reading together or whatever works! Each day is indeed quite a gift. I know you do very well unwrapping it slowly! Best to you both
