Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th Of July

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! Today is the day in which we celebrate our country's independence. I am so blessed to live in a free country. When I watch the news, and read and hear about other countries around the world, where people (particularly women) have limited rights. In Muslim countries, women have to go out covered pretty much from head to toe, they are not aloud to vote, some countries do not allow people to have freedom of religion, and will arrest and even kill those who are Christians. Some governments ration out things such as food where only the elite are given adequate food and housing, and the poor are not. I think of all the wonderful freedoms that I have in this country. I am aloud to where what I want, to vote, to practice my faith, listen to the types of music, and read the kind of books that I want to. I am not discriminated against because of my race, religious beliefs, gender, or sexual orientation. Today, we celebrate these and other freedoms, and remember those who have given their lives, and fight for our country, and will continue to do so. I am saddened that those in other countries are not given the same rights and freedoms that we have, and I pray that their governments and societies  will move forward and allow them to have some if not all of the freedoms that we do. I am proud to be an American, and live in this wonderful country. I love what Psalm 119:45 says, "I will walk about in freedom...". I think that is such a wonderful piece of scripture. I think it embodies what we have here in America, because we are aloud to walk and live in freedom. We have laws to keep us safe and protect us, but we are free to say what we want, believe what we want, and do what we want (within reason), and that is a true gift and blessing. 

I have no big plans for the 4th. My mom, grandparents, and I, and I believe a second or third cousin on my moms side are going to my Great Great Aunt Martha's house, where my grandfather is grilling salmon and steak, and we are having, a corn pudding of some kind, pea salad, and dessert. My mouth is already watering.  Health wise I'm hanging in there. I had steroid injections in my SI joints yesterday, as well as trigger point injections in my neck. Luckily I had some sedation to take the edge off the pain. I am a bit sore but nothing I can't handle. I'm hoping in the long run, that this will help with some of my pain. I am down to 20mg of the weekly Methotrexate, and have noticed an increase in symptoms. I meet with my Hem/Onc doctor, Dr. CB tomorrow, and Dr. Carrasco next Thursday. I know they were going to keep me at 20mg for a month or two, but I'm going to ask if they can keep me on it longer. I know being on chemotherapy long term can be problematic, but if they are not going to give me any other treatment, I am willing to take the risk, and deal with the side-effects of the chemo versus feeling and getting worse from my diseases. I am happy that I get to spend about 3 weeks with my mom, and from the 15-18th were going to the Hill Country Hyatt in San Antonio for a little getaway which should be really nice. They have a spa there, and I can't wait to get my feet and ankles massaged. I hope everybody is doing well, and those of you who are in Texas, I hope you can stay cool in this Texas heat. I hope everybody has a safe, fun, and happy 4th of July, and we can all remember, be thankful for, and celebrate our precious freedom. 

Joyful Love 
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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