Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ups & Downs

This week has definitely been full of ups and downs. Those of you who saw my Facebook post on Tuesday, asking for prayers due to my appointment with my rheumatologist on Tuesday as being one of the most difficult, will get some answers with this post. My rheumatologist has made the decision to stop my weekly Methotrexate chemo, as it is losing its efficacy, and its major side effects such as liver problems and cancer. I had my last treatment yesterday, and wiull be sdtarting a new daily chemo next week called Cell-Cept, which is an immunosuppressant that was originally used as an anti-rejection medication in people with kidney and liver transplants. This medication will keep me from "falling off the cliff" as the doctors say, and as an alternative to the Methotrexate. If I don't tolerate it as orally, they an give it intravenously or by injection, but I'm not anticipoating any problems. It doesn't have the side-effects of nausea, vomiting, and hair-loss as Methotrexate, so my hair shoukd start growing back, which I'm looking forward to. Yesterday's final treatment was bittersweet, because after going there weekly for two years, you develop relationships with the staff and patients. The nurses said Friday's will sure be different without me and my grandmother there, and I got a certificate signed by the doctor and all the staff, saying I completed chemo. I will still get weekly bloodwork as the dcotrs are monitoring me closely for signs of a blood cancer such as Leukemia and Lymphoma. The doctor said on Tuesday that with all the medicines and chemo I have been taking, I am at an extremely high risk for cancer, which is why they are doing the weekly bloodwork. I have always known of this risk, but Tuesday was the first time they moved me into a higher risk category, which was hard to hear. My family and I are adjusting to all this news, and are just trying to stay positive. 

Tuesday ended on a good note, when the Make-A-Wiah Foundation called conftirming that this coming Wednesday I will get to meet the cast of the hit CBS show NCIS. i am going with my mom, grandfather, and best friend since second grade, Cory. Our flight leaves 8:00 AM Tuesday, meet the cast and tour the set Wednesday, have a free day touring LA on Tuesday, and comeback on Friday. Iwill definitely take pictures, and post them on Facebook, and do a post about the trip when I get back. This trip is coming at a great time, with Tuesday's appointment being so hard. 

So as you can imagine this week was filled with highs and lows. The one thing, besides my family and friends, that has helped me with all the emotions I have been feeling, is  the Lord. I am trying to trust God, and be at peace with whatever happens. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths." I love this verse, and read it everyday. It helps me to remind myself to trust God, because he is the one leads the way. Knowing that I am following God helps me to be at peace, because with Him leading the way, I will never be lost. Thank you all for your continued prayers, support, and encouragemnt. They mean a lot to me and my family. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexandra, I just found your blog and read about all the illnesses you've dealt with. Please email me at mtrucillo(at)recallcenter(dot)com when you can, I'd like to open up a dialogue. Thanks!
