Saturday, January 18, 2014

Make-A-Wish Trip

Note: Unfortunately, I am not allowed to post the pictures I took with the NCIS cast on my blog, or any form of social media. The actors are very careful, and want their privacy (which is understandable when your televisions number one show). If I see you in person, I will try to show you the pictures.

Our trip to LA was absolutely WONDERFUL. We left early Tuesday, and came back late last night. Our flight left 8:00 AM on Tuesday, made a stop in Denver (luckily we didn't have to change planes), and arrived at LAX around 12:30 PM California time. We had a handicapped accessible van waiting for us, and then drove to the Sheraton at Universal Studios. Of course with LA traffic, it took a while to get to the hotel. We got settled, had a late lunch/appetizers, and rested a bit. We went to a delicious local little Italian restaurant call Firenze. The food was fantastic, and we all had the sea bass in some form. Seeing that we were with MAW, the restaurant comped our desserts (which were decadent), and gave us the cookbook of their chef Fabio, who was featured on Bravo's Top Chef. He wasn't there that night, and they didn't have anymore signed copies, but getting the book was wonderful in itself. We gave it Susu since she loves Italian food and cooking. When we got back to the hotel stuffed, around nine, I had a message from MAW saying that Southwest had one of my bags, which we didn't realize. We called Southwest's baggage department at LAX, but no one answered. So my best friend Cory, who came on the trip with us, went with my grandfather to LAX to pick up my suitcase, and give back the one we accidentally took. Now if anyone has lived or visited LA, you know how confusing the highway system can be. They had to make a loop around the city, and apparently it was an adventure with them returning the hotel at around 11:45/midnight. They are truly wonderful for doing that, and it was all good because I got my suitcase.

The next day, we spent the morning relaxing, and then had lunch at the hotel. At around one o'clock, a MAW person met us and picked us up in a handicap accessible limo where we drove to the NCIS studio. On the way we toured Universal City, saw where the Disney studio is, where Atlantic Records is located, and Bob Hope's house. When we arrived at NCIS, the cast was having lunch. We were greeted by Mark Harmon (Gibbs), Michael Weatherly (DiNozzo), and Brian Dietzen (Palmer). They were so wonderful, and down to earth. I even got a shoulder rub from Michael Weatherly. Mark has a very commanding presence, and Weatherly is very much like DiNozzo. We took a tour of the set, which was great. We saw the MTAC room, Gibbs house and basement, Abby's lab, autopsy, and the main NCIS room, as well as interrogation. We also got to see the where the outside of Gibb's barbershop, and the pet store Abby's brother works at, is filmed. We then got to see them film a scene. Which can take a long time, due to different camera angles, and making sure everything is perfect. This is when I got to see Sean Murray (Maggee), Emily Wickersham (Bishop), and David McCallum (Ducky). I also got to hold Bert the hippo (Abby's stuffed animal). Pauley Pirette (Abby), and Rocky Carroll (weren't there), but they signed the group picture. We were there for 3 1/2 hours and when we left Mark Harmon told me to come back, and he said it more than once (I think he was serious). They were sad we had to leave. I got a big long hug from both Michael and Mark. I got a challenger coin from Michael, an NCIS season 11 hat and shirt, signed photographs, and a hat an pin from a real NCIS person who is a technical advisor on the show. Our MAW guide (who has been on several NCIS wishes), and the production assistant both said that they had never seen the cast spent that much time with a wish kid, and be so open about pictures, which they offered to take with me. After we left meeting with NCIS, we drove to Santa Monica, and had a delicious seafood meal at a restaurant right on the ocean across from the meal. I had crab, that was excellent. Afterwards we went to the pier, and although all the rides were closes, it was still so wonderful being near the ocean, smelling the ocean air, and feeling the breeze. The lights on the Ferris wheel were so colorful, it was beautiful. We then headed back to the hotel, where I fell asleep in the car because I was so wiped out. Driving back to the hotel on the freeways of LA, was again an adventure. We had such an amazing and memorable day that was great fun.

The next day we went to the Universal Studios theme park, which MAW had tickets and front of the line passes waiting for us. I went on The Mummy, Transformers, Jurrasic Park, and Simpsons rides. I thought I might never get to go to another theme park and ride rides again, so it was a real treat to be able to do that. My mom was of course worried about my neck on the rides, but I wanted to just enjoy myself. I was sore later that night and the next day, but it was worth it. The last thing we did at the park was go to a Water World show (based on the Kevin Costner movie) that was spectacular, and had wonderful special effects. We were exhausted by the afternoon, and headed back to the hotel to rest before dinner. We had reservations for dinner that night at the Wolfgang Puck Universal City Walk restaurant, which compt our meal. It was delicious, and was nice because it was casual so we didn't have to dress fancy. We then headed back to the hotel because we were exhausted after spending the day at the park. The next day we left around 10:30 and headed to the airport. Even though our flight left at 2:50, we needed to leave room for LA traffic, checking the bags, security, and just dealing with electric wheelchair and everything else. With it being a Friday, it was more crowded. We checked in and got through security without a hitch, had lunch, and had plenty of time until our flight. We left on time, although the plane was completely full because they overbooked, and flew to Phoenix, where we changed planes. We were a bit concerned, because by the time we got off the plane in Phoenix, we only had 15 minutes to change planes, and they had to bring me a wheelchair. Luckily our gate was only three gates away, and a flight attendant was there with a wheelchair and took us to the gate. We didn't have the hour and a half layover we thought we would in Phoenix, which was great. We got to Austin at 9:15 last night, sent my grandfather to get our car from the Parking Spot, while mom, Cory, and I went to baggage claim. It was 9:45/10:00 by the time we were in the car on the way home. We were starving, because we hadn't eaten since one that afternoon, so we went through the Whataburger drive through. We ate quickly at home, and Cory and mom left, I unpacked (because I just wanted to get it done and over with), and it was midnight by the time I went to bed.

The trip was phenomenal, and was better than any of us imagined. It came at a perfect time, with the news from my last appointment, and finishing two years of chemo a week from yesterday. I can't thank the MAW foundation, NCIS, Universal Studios, and countless others for making this trip happen. It was such a blessing, and I am so grateful. 1 Thessalonians 1:2 says, "We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;..." This verse sums up how I feel about everyone who made this trip possible. It was an experience that I will never forget, and it has truly been the highest point of my roller coaster journey.

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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