Sunday, March 16, 2014

New & Old Friends

The past few week I have gotten the opportunity to get to know two new friends. Margeaux is the daughter of a business associate of my grandfather, and we have been texting the past few weeks, and finally met in person for lunch on Friday. I have also made a new friend on Facebook, through the Spondylitis Web Info For Teens (S.W.I.F.T.) Facebook page. And today, I said goodbye to a dear friend, and my priest Christine. Friends are such a wonderful blessing, and they are important for us to have in our lives, so that we can have someone to talk to and share things with, as well as spending time doing activities that we enjoy, and just hanging out. Since I have difficulty going out and doing things that a "normal 21 year old" would do, getting the opportunity to meet and get to know new people, and stay connected with the ones I have, is important. Technology makes it possible for me to stay connected (Facebook, e-mail, texting, Skype, etc.) and to meet new people, and I am happy that I have a way to continue to grow, and make new friendships. 

Margeaux and I began texting after her dad came and visited me in the hospital. I had heard from my grandfather that she was having surgery (I didn't know her name at the time), and I asked my grandfather to ask her dad her name, so that I could pray for her recovery. He was so touched by my asking about and praying for her, that when I was in the hospital he came to visit. He said Margeaux was interested about what was going on with me, and gave me a gift card from her, his staff and family. I gave him my blog info, cell number, and e-mail for her to contact me. We have been texting ever since. Finally getting to meet her and her mom on Friday was great. We had a fun time and can't wait to do it again soon. We enjoy some of the same TV shows (like American Idol) and just had a nice time. Although it took medical difficulties for both of us to get to know each other, my new friendship with her proves how you can find the good, and a blessing in a difficult situation, i.e. medical difficulties for the both of us. I can't wait to see her again, and enjoy texting with her. 

Another new friend that I have been getting to know, is one who I met on FB through the S.W.I.F.T FB page. She had posted a comment, and I was one of the first people to respond. She messaged me and we have been FB messaging since then. Even though we never met in person, we have connected over both of us having arthritis, and sharing our experiences with medications and life with it in general. She is around the same age as I am, so that is cool to, because some of the stuff we have experienced and are dealing with is similar. Getting to connect with another girl my age, who is living with a condition similar to one of my diseases, is neat. I sometimes feel like no one my age knows what its like living with this stuff, and she felt the same way. With her also being newly diagnosed with her condition, there are a lot of questions and concerns that the doctors just don't get. So for her to be able to talk with another young adult who is going through something similar, and who can give some tips and advice from a patient perspective, I think is helpful. But because I am so medically unique and complicated, having  multiple autoimmune diseases, I have to be careful in sharing information because A LOT of what I have and am experiencing is NOT typical at all, and I don't want to scare or give information that could cause concern, as they are already scared and concerned enough. Still, getting to connect with her, and meet another new friend is great. 

Today was the last Sunday for our associate rector of St. Matthew's, Christine Faulstich. She has not only been a gift and a blessing to our parish, but for me and my family as well. I have known her since towards the end of my sophomore year of high school, when she was my youth minister. I truly believe that the Lord places people in your life at specific times, and I feel that way about Christine. She came at a time when things started to become difficult with my diseases, and has been there for me and my family through many ups and downs. I have been blessed to not only have her as a priest, but as a dear friend as well. She will be the rector at Church Of The Epiphany in Houston, TX. Although I will miss her greatly, I know that she is following God's lead in entering this new chapter of her life. Church Of The Epiphany is extremely blessed to have her as their rector. I can continue to stay in contact through e-mail, FB, phone, and text, and next time I'm in the Houston area, I can visit her at her new church. Her friendship has meant a great deal to me, and am so thankful that God placed her in my life at the time that He did. The support, love, and encouragement that her friendship has brought me is something that I will always treasure, and never forget. 

Proverbs 27:9 says, "Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart; so doth the sweetness of a mans friend by hearty council." I love this scripture verse, because of the analogy of how the love and friendship that one provides someone, brings joy and gladness to the heart like ointment and perfume. I think that this is very true when it come to true and loving friends. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends, both old and new. God has placed them in my life for a reason, and I am thankful for the friendships that I have. The gift of friendship is one that is very precious, and that we must treasure and guard in order to protect it, and to ensure its growth and longevity. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Make all the connections you can. Savor NOT talking about the medical part....and enjoy the fact that you CAN talk the medical parts with new friends who understand! All good. Keep on doing all that you are to be a strong amazing woman!
