Friday, May 16, 2014

War Horse

Last Thursday my grandmother surprised me to tickets to the play War Horse at Bass Concert Hall. All week I was told that there would be a surprise on Thursday, and  that my grandmother and I would be going out just the two of us. All I knew beforehand was that I needed to make sure I took a good nap because we would be out late, and that I needed to dress up. When we were in the car on the way there, I was told what the surprise was. I was so excited, my grandmother and I have always loved going to the theatre, and something that we have enjoyed doing together. We have seen Phantom Of The Opera, Mamma Mia, Hairspay, Jesus Christ Super Star, A Chorus Line, and now War Horse. We haven't been able to go in a long time, and so now that I have my power chair its possible.

The play was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. Even though it was late I didn't even fall asleep, that is how much I enjoyed it. The story takes place in England during WWII, and is about a boy named Albert who is 16 who has a horse named Joey, for money for the mortgage, Albert's father sells Joey to the British Army to aid in the war, the soldier who buys him, promises to take good care of him, and sends Albert a letter or two to Albert of sketches he has drawn of Joey. A letter comes informing Albert that the soldier has died, with no word on what happened to Joey. Albert runs away to join the army, pretending that he is 19, and tries to find Joey. The play goes back and forth between what has been happening to Joey. I wont give away the ending, but will tell you that it was a happy ending. It wasn't very sad or depressing, which I have known a few people who have said that they didn't think they could see it because of that. But it was truly a great show.

I had such a fun night with my grandmother at the theatre. We really enjoyed ourselves, and went home on cloud nine, which continued the next day. It was so nice that my grandmother and I were able to spend a night out just the two of us, and doing something other than going to doctors appointments, and having fun. We looked at the list of performances at Bass for 2015, and there are a few that we would like to try and go and see. It was a great night, seeing a great performance, with a great grandmother.

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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