Friday, May 30, 2014

Finally Done With My First Class

I am officially finished with my first class with the online Keystone School, Art & Music Appreciation. I finished the course with 98.35% average, and have about 4 credits left until I graduate. I plan on taking Environmental Science next. I started the class in September, and finished two semesters worth of work. Given all that I am, and have been going through I am just happy that I am still wanting to get my high school diploma. I have had some people tell me, that if they were in the situation I am in, that they would not worry about it and deal with the stress. For me, school is fun, and I have always had a love and passion for learning, and despite the physical difficulties I am dealing with, keeping my mind stimulated is very important to me.

Another reason why getting my diploma is so important to me, is because it gives me a goal to work to work toward and accomplish. Because I spend a great deal of time at home, doing my schoolwork gives me something productive to do, and allows me to be able to continue to exercise my mind. Even though there maybe a week where I don't work on my class due to it being filled with appointments, or not feeling well, I still continue to work toward my goal and graduate from high school. Even though I am only taking one class at a time, I am continuing to work until I achieve my goal.

I have support from my friends, family, and church community, who are all cheering me on. My faith in the Lord also continues to encourage me in working toward this goal. Whenever I get frustrated or feel as though I wont ever graduate, or I'm 21 so what is the point, I turn to scripture. The Lord reminds me that He would not have put the dream in my heart, if He did not give the ability to achieve it, and that helps me to not get discouraged.

I still have a ways to go until I graduate, but I know that have all the support and encouragement I need to achieve this goal. And I am now one step farther.

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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