Saturday, September 24, 2011

Treatment Plan

Yesterday, I met with the Hematologist/Oncologist in San Antonio and my treatment plan was set up. I am doing 18 months of chemotherapy, with one IV drug (Cytoxan) and two oral chemotherapy medications. I go back to San Antonio on Tuesday for pre chemo hydration, and then on Wednesday get my first dose of Cytoxan. I then go every 4 weeks after that for more chemotherapy. I admit that I am nervous about everything, but am relieved that we can get started so quickly. The doctors say that at around 3 months we will be able to start seeing some effects if the drug is working. I know that God, my family and friends will help et me through this, and I will soon be on the road to recovery. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta


  1. Hi,
    I have been following your ups and downs but hadn't figured out how to comment. Glad you have a plan. Your courage and joyful spirit are an inspiration. Many blessings,
    Jane M

  2. It's always scary starting a new treatment but I admire your courage and optimism as you prepare to start this one. Will keep praying for you!
