Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hospital Stay

Well, there has been so much that has happened since my last blog posting. Last Tuesday, the day after Labor Day, I went to the ER due to severe neck pain, and some swelling, along with a fever. We thought I had a virus and an inflamed lymphnode and so did the ER doctor. While in the ER they found that my port also wasn't working. They decided to admit me, and did a CT scan that night. The next day they told me that I had a blood clot in my jugular vain and fluid behind the clot. The news was given after a code was called because I had difficulty breathing because of the massive swelling in my neck. My port was taken out the same day as the news of the blood clot, as it probably was the culprit for the clot. I continued to have terrible pain and swelling, so late Friday afternoon I had surgery to remove the fluid. The doctor said their was a good deal of fluid, a lot of swelling, and the entire area looked "very angry". Since the surgery my ability to swallow and breathe has drastically improved. I am now able to eat solid foods and no longer need oxygen to aid in breathing. I will have to be on blood thinners for a long time they don't impair my ability to begin chemo, and the infectious disease doctors cleared me to start chemo in 10 days. I'm still on the PCA pump to help control my pain in my neck, but that is improving as well. I still have some swelling in my neck, and quite a bit of swelling in my left arm, which is the side that the clot is on, but hopefully it will resolve soon. i'm hoping to be able to go home soon, and then start my chemotherapy treatment. Were not sure if the HiCy treatment is still what the plan is, as we may go back to 18 months of chemo, but I will hopefully no more soon. I will continue to post on my progress and give updates. Your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes are greatly appreciated!!!!

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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