Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pre and Post Surgery

Yesterday I had a small surgical procedure, that was my eighth one this year. Although the procedure was something minor, each time I have to go into the operating room, or under anasthesia. I still get nervous each time. I usually am not nervous about he actual surgery, but more going under anasthesia. While going under, you feel as though you're losing control. Having experienced it so many times you not only get used it, but some how come to like it. I know that sounds crazy, but one of my friends who as gone under anasthesia probably more times than I have says he likes it as well. People like my mom and grandmother who have had a  few surgeries don't like the feeling of it at all, so I guess it depends on the person.

Then there is the pain when you wake up. Even though they tell you might be in pain, you are still not prepared for how much it hurts (depending on how invasive the surgery is), luckily they I have IV pain meds that just knock you out. The first few days our the hardest. Sometimes you feel as though the pain is worse than it was before the surgery, but it is a different kind of pain. For me, what helps the best , is knowing that the surgery is going to help me in the long run. Keeping this in mind, pushing through the pain, forcing your self to get up and move around, and taking your pain medication so that you don't let the pain get ahead of you will help you make a fast and safe recovery.

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean about the anesthesia. What's strange is that feeling as you're losing consciousness, when everything starts to blur together and noises (like beeping) stand out. Very weird and hard to explain unless you've experienced it. I also can relate to waking up to pain after surgery. It's so unpleasant, especially when you're super groggy from the anesthesia at the same time. I'm sorry you had to go through that part :(. Wishing you a very speedy recovery!
