Sunday, November 18, 2012

Back In Town

This past week my grandparents and I went down to McAllen TX for a business that my grandfather had. We left last Sunday and came back on Thursday, just in time for chemo on Friday (not fun). My grandmother and I just stayed in the hotel during the day while grandfather was working. SuSu (my grandmother) taught me how to platy gin rummy which was fun, and we mainly just relaxed and vegged. I did bring my GED workbook along and did some studying in the morning so that was good. It was a nice little getaway for me and SuSu. Although PaPaw (grandfather) had to work, he said he did enjoy having our company. Of course being in "the valley" in south Texas, we had some terrific mexican food. My grandparents went to this same taco place for lunch everyday (the owner of the restaurant has a couple different restaurants their and throughout south Texas) had the most wonderful homemade tortillas and fajitas. We also went to this "old mexico" restaurant that we like to go to on our last night their. We also had a fun time playing the LOGO board game when we got back to the hotel, SuSu won twice, PaPaw once, and me 0. We had a terrific time. It was a nice little vacation for me, and a change of scenery since I have to spend a lot of time at home because my immune system is so weak from chemo. I also loved the quality time with my grandparents (though I did miss my mom). I am happy to be back home and to have life get back to normal. We still have not heard anything from Texas Children's, but my oncologist here is trying to get in touch with them to see what the status is. They want me to continue with the weekly "lemonade" (methotrexate chemo). I had it this past Friday, and was very happy because my mom was able to take me (Del Valle) had off because of Thanksgiving and the Formula 1 race. It has been a pretty busy weekend by my standards. My mom and I went to see Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 at the Alamo Drafthouse. This morning we had church then breakfast at one of our favorite restaurant's (where I always get the cinnamon short stack of two pancakes, even for dinner). This afternoon my mom, grandparents and I are going to the IMAX to see the new James Bond movie Skyfall, so that should be fun. I may just have to take it easy tomorrow, since this is quite busy for me. I'm hoping to call TCH tomorrow to see if I can get an update, and with any luck get an appointment with Dr. Martinez. I will definitely keep you updated when I know anything. Right now, I am just praying that God will give me the strength and patience that I need to continue waiting, and continue with the chemo. I know that he has a wonderful plan for me, and as Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "There is a time for everything."

Joyful Love 
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

1 comment:

  1. Alex,
    Thanks for sharing your blog with me.
    I hope you get your BMT soon.
    Hans went through BMT at TCH in 2007, and though it can be difficult,
    His Grace Foundation takes very good care of the patients who are there.
    Love and Prayers,
