Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Two Times The Fun

Well this is/has not been one of my favorite weeks. Due to last week being Thanksgiving I didn't get the opportunity to go to chemo because the doctors office was closed, so I ended up going on Monday, as well as having to go this Friday. Because my chemo was delayed a few days I ended up having to go to the ER late Monday night/early Tuesday morning. I had a terrible headache and some stomach issues. I ended up having to get fluids for some dehydration and IV pain and anti-nausea medications, luckily they were able to get my symptoms under control so I was able to go home and sleep it off, which was my goal. I have had these "episodes" before, and I practically tell the doctors what to do. I am feeling better, but still having that post chemo ache, and by the time I should start to feel better, I will have to go back again on Friday. Although I must say, that even having my chemo delayed just a few days caused me to flare with joint pain, swelling, fatigue, and the rash on my face. So this week is twice the fun. Everyone else is OK, except for my mom, who as I am writing this is in the ER for dehydration, the doctors say she's got a stomach infection, I don't think she will have to be admitted, but were hoping she is back up on her feet soon. While I was at chemo on Monday I found out that my oncologist here in Austin talked to Dr. Martinez (transplant doctor at Texas Children's), apparently she is still consulting with the rheumatology people to make sure that the benefits of the transplant outweigh the risks. Dr. CB (Cline-Burkardt, oncologist here) gave Dr. Carrasco  Dr. Martinez's number, so the two of them can talk. So the waiting game continues, and with the holiday's approaching nothing will probably happen until after the new year. I know that they need to be thorough and dot all their I's and cross their T's. As Dr. Martinez said, "we want to do whatever we can to help you, but our first priority is to not harm you." It is frustrating that I have to continue to wait, but I  am not going to get discouraged, and continue to have a positive attitude. I know that it is all in the Lord's hands. As Romans 15:13 says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." I know that when I trust in the Lord I will be at peace, and that helps me to stay positive and encouraged. I know that God will never leave me nor forsake me. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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