Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So today is the day after the surgery to have my new portocath placed. The surgery went pretty well. The only interesting thing was where my old port was their was some kind of goopy liquid, the surgeon decided to culture it and I have to go back and see him on Thursday to get the results of the culture and have the packing removed. We are hoping that the culture comes back negative, because if I have another infection I would have to do another 3 weeks of antibiotics, and chemo would be delayed even more. Right now we're just trying to keep positive thoughts. I'm extremely sore, as the 1st day after surgery is always the worst. I've pretty much have been doing nothing but sleeping. I know I will get stronger each day, and hopefully soon will be able to start treatment.  

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

1 comment:

  1. Wow. YOu keep having to be "tested" and try to make the best of things. You are an inspriration. I look forward to hearing the next step and news. Sorry I have been missing - was in NY State with my 82 and 92 year old inlaws for hurricane. Trees fell on their house and we all had to sleep in fire dept. building. All good and we have things set up for them to get everything fixed. Could have been much worse. Home now? You still checking email too? XXX
