Saturday, February 23, 2013

An Appointment Finally

Well we finally have an appointment to meet with the transplant doctor, Dr. Martinez at Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) in Houston on Wednesday March 13th at noon. As you can imagine a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders. Everybody (including nurses and friends) believe that having an appointment is an extremely good sign. Why would she have us come all the way down there to tell us no? It would be a waist of both her time and ours. In our correspondence with each other through e-mail she had said she wanted to meet with me and their pediatric rheumatologist Dr. Muscal. We recently found out from our rheumatologist Dr. Carrasco here in Austin, that Dr. Muscal is out of the picture. Apparently the delay had to do with politics between the two departments. This is hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel. I am trying to have only positive thoughts about this, and not think about all the "what-ifs", but its difficult. I am trying to trust and have faith in God, and be patient, but its something that I have to practice and work at. 

I love what scripture says in Psalm 42:8 "Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." This verse makes me feel at peace. It helps me to know that He is my "safe-place." He will always guide me on the right path, even if its not on the path that I wanted or envisioned. I believe that when we trust in God, we are letting him take the wheel, like Carrie Underwood says in her song "Jesus Take The Wheel." I know it can be difficult to trust in God, but I think its something that we must do. I encourage all of you trust God and have "Jesus Take The Wheel." It may not be easy, and may require time, diligence and patience. But the rewards will be so amazing, and you will see God's abundant favor and blessings. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

Sunday, February 17, 2013


During Lent this year, our church is going to have a labyrinth in the sanctuary. Unfortunately since I can't walk, I won't be able to walk it, but I have had the opportunity to walk it when we have had it at the church previously, and when I was at Camp Allen with my church youth group. The labyrinth is a type of maze, and when walking it, you can have a time for prayer, meditation, and one on one time with God. When I had the experience of walking the labyrinth, I felt so calm and at peace. I felt like I was able to really talk with God, and clear my mind of all the stress that goes on in life. Since I haven't been able to physically walk the labyrinth, I had the idea when reading about it in our church's weekly word to do a "mental labyrinth" each day during Lent. One of the Lenten disciplines that I would like to have is to really get close to God each day. I pray at least once a day, and try to read my Bible and do devotions daily, but I sometimes wonder if I am really connecting with God the way I did when walking the labyrinth. So I said to myself, by doing the mental labyrinth each day in addition to praying, and reading my Bible, I can have that connection with God. 

I find that meditating and praying really helps me to stay focused and grounded. There is so much stress in my life, and anything that I can do to "de-stress" I will do it. Scripture says in Matthew 14:23 "After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone..." When I read that verse, I think about how the labyrinth (physically or "mentally") allows me to be by myself and pray, just like Jesus did on the mountainside. I think it is important for all of us to find a way to meditate and pray, and to stay grounded and connected to God. Maybe research labyrinth's and find a way to do a "mental labyrinth" each day. I promise that you will feel relaxed and refreshed. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Today is Valentines Day. I have mixed feelings about this particular day. In some ways, I love it because it reminds us to tell and show those in our lives how much we love and appreciate them. In other ways, it has become so commercialized in which we are bombarded with advertisements for candy, flowers, stuffed bears, restaurant specials, and greeting cards. It can make those who don't have a significant other feel lonely. But I like to get to the root of what the day is about, love. I have a lot of love in my life, from my family and friends. And though I don't have a boyfriend, I don't feel like my love tank is empty, for me it is overflowing. And frankly, with all that I have going on in my life right now, I don't have time for a boyfriend. I constantly feel loved and appreciated, but for me I enjoy sharing my love with those around me. 

I love what scripture says about love, particularly 1 Corinthians 13:4-8: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight on evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." I read this verse everyday, and I try to remember that this is the way we should treat our loved ones. As I was reading this verse this morning, I thought about how this is really what the true meaning of Valentines Day is. Its not about the candy, the teddy bears, and the fancy dinners (though they are very nice). We should try and remember to treat our loved ones like its Valentines Day every day, Although you don't have to by them flowers and candy unless you really want to. So show and tell how much you love your friends and family, not just today but everyday. I guarantee you, your love tank will be overflowing. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Removing The Weight On Your Shoulders

The clid-life specialist, who leads the support group for kids with chronic illnesses that I attend, gave me the following story, that is used as a metaphor to help people dealing with fatigue, tension and/or pain. Here is the story:

"Once upon a time, there was a traveler who had a long way to go. He was carrying a huge rucksack. As he travelled, the rucksack became heavier and heavier because he had the curious habit of putting a stone in his sack whenever he encountered any difficulty. The further he went, the more he felt the painful weight of the sack on his shoulders, and the sooner her became exhausted and had to rest. People who saw him stumbling commented on the heavy load he carried, but this only offended him. When he finally realized that resting did not mitigate his pain, he took off his rucksack. When he finally realized that resting did not mitigate his pain, he took off his rucksack. After much hesitation, he opened the sack and looked at everything he had collected. He removed the stones one by one, examined them and felt their weight in his hands. When all the stones were lying on the ground, he decided to build a statue as a memorial to all the difficulties he had encountered and survived on his journey. When he finished building the statue, he realized that it also symbolized his ability to continue on his travels in a much better and lighter manner than before." 

I read this story everyday. It helps me to think about what "weight" I am carrying in my "rucksack." Those worries and stresses just add to the pain and fatigue. I think that we all have a tendency to carry weight on our shoulders. The key is to examine each one of those stresses and worries, and to try to let them go. For me, letting them go means giving them up to God. I know that God will take care of all my worries and stresses, and will bestow blessings on me. My grandmother always says to "let go, let God," I even have that on a charm on my necklace. But I can tell you that it is much easier said than done. By giving it all to God, you will be given strength. 1 Peter 5:10 says, "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." I really believe what this verse says. I know that after suffering with the pain and fatigue that I am carrying, that I will be restored, and come out stronger than before. I know that in order to do that, I need to give all my weight to God. I hope that we all realize that we can travel through life better and lighter than before, if we just get rid of all the stress and worries.

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks

My grandmother's monthly book club read the book The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks for last months book. The book is about a woman named Henrietta Lacks who was an African-Amercian woman, who in the 1950's was treated at John's Hopkins in Baltimore for an aggressive form of cervical cancer. Without her or her family's knowledge, the doctor took a sample of her tumor and gave it to a researcher who was able to grow the immortal HeLa cell line. HeLa cells have changed medical science. They have been used to create numerous medications, and chemotherapy drugs, as well as in helping doctors learn more about bone marrow and organ transplant. The book was not only interesting to learn more about science and medicine, but also to learn more about the woman behind it and her family. Many doctors have made lots of money off of her cells, but her family had no health insurance, and couldn't afford to go to the doctor, they received no compensation for her cells. They did not even learn until the 70's (twenty years after Henrietta had died), that the doctors took her cells. The book was a wonderful read and I would definitely recommend it. It was amazing to think that this women's cells were used to create the life saving treatments that I have been taking. I feel so horrible for the difficulties that her family had to endure, but I am thankful for the contribution she made to medical science. Her family said in the book that Henrietta would have been happy to know that her cells have been used to help so many people. 

I am so thankful for all the doctors and medicines that have helped me with my illness. I also am thankful for those who donate their blood, and bone marrow/stem cells. I believe that God gave scientists, doctors, and researchers the ability and knowledge to help human kind, and that is a wonderful thing. I think medicines are just one way God can heal us from disease. Luke 6:19 says, "...and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all." I think this verse can have multiple interpretations. I believe God can miraculously heal people on his own without medications. But I also believe that doctors and medicines can be another form of power coming from Him and healing people. God is our creator and our healer, and he can do miraculous things. I believe that God will heal me, and all of those who are ill. How he does it, only He can decide. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta