Saturday, February 23, 2013

An Appointment Finally

Well we finally have an appointment to meet with the transplant doctor, Dr. Martinez at Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) in Houston on Wednesday March 13th at noon. As you can imagine a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders. Everybody (including nurses and friends) believe that having an appointment is an extremely good sign. Why would she have us come all the way down there to tell us no? It would be a waist of both her time and ours. In our correspondence with each other through e-mail she had said she wanted to meet with me and their pediatric rheumatologist Dr. Muscal. We recently found out from our rheumatologist Dr. Carrasco here in Austin, that Dr. Muscal is out of the picture. Apparently the delay had to do with politics between the two departments. This is hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel. I am trying to have only positive thoughts about this, and not think about all the "what-ifs", but its difficult. I am trying to trust and have faith in God, and be patient, but its something that I have to practice and work at. 

I love what scripture says in Psalm 42:8 "Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." This verse makes me feel at peace. It helps me to know that He is my "safe-place." He will always guide me on the right path, even if its not on the path that I wanted or envisioned. I believe that when we trust in God, we are letting him take the wheel, like Carrie Underwood says in her song "Jesus Take The Wheel." I know it can be difficult to trust in God, but I think its something that we must do. I encourage all of you trust God and have "Jesus Take The Wheel." It may not be easy, and may require time, diligence and patience. But the rewards will be so amazing, and you will see God's abundant favor and blessings. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

1 comment:

  1. March 13...March 13...come on....sometimes time passes so slowly. You have learned patience to an amazing strength. I am so in awe of your spirit. With love!
