Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Removing The Weight On Your Shoulders

The clid-life specialist, who leads the support group for kids with chronic illnesses that I attend, gave me the following story, that is used as a metaphor to help people dealing with fatigue, tension and/or pain. Here is the story:

"Once upon a time, there was a traveler who had a long way to go. He was carrying a huge rucksack. As he travelled, the rucksack became heavier and heavier because he had the curious habit of putting a stone in his sack whenever he encountered any difficulty. The further he went, the more he felt the painful weight of the sack on his shoulders, and the sooner her became exhausted and had to rest. People who saw him stumbling commented on the heavy load he carried, but this only offended him. When he finally realized that resting did not mitigate his pain, he took off his rucksack. When he finally realized that resting did not mitigate his pain, he took off his rucksack. After much hesitation, he opened the sack and looked at everything he had collected. He removed the stones one by one, examined them and felt their weight in his hands. When all the stones were lying on the ground, he decided to build a statue as a memorial to all the difficulties he had encountered and survived on his journey. When he finished building the statue, he realized that it also symbolized his ability to continue on his travels in a much better and lighter manner than before." 

I read this story everyday. It helps me to think about what "weight" I am carrying in my "rucksack." Those worries and stresses just add to the pain and fatigue. I think that we all have a tendency to carry weight on our shoulders. The key is to examine each one of those stresses and worries, and to try to let them go. For me, letting them go means giving them up to God. I know that God will take care of all my worries and stresses, and will bestow blessings on me. My grandmother always says to "let go, let God," I even have that on a charm on my necklace. But I can tell you that it is much easier said than done. By giving it all to God, you will be given strength. 1 Peter 5:10 says, "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." I really believe what this verse says. I know that after suffering with the pain and fatigue that I am carrying, that I will be restored, and come out stronger than before. I know that in order to do that, I need to give all my weight to God. I hope that we all realize that we can travel through life better and lighter than before, if we just get rid of all the stress and worries.

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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