Sunday, February 17, 2013


During Lent this year, our church is going to have a labyrinth in the sanctuary. Unfortunately since I can't walk, I won't be able to walk it, but I have had the opportunity to walk it when we have had it at the church previously, and when I was at Camp Allen with my church youth group. The labyrinth is a type of maze, and when walking it, you can have a time for prayer, meditation, and one on one time with God. When I had the experience of walking the labyrinth, I felt so calm and at peace. I felt like I was able to really talk with God, and clear my mind of all the stress that goes on in life. Since I haven't been able to physically walk the labyrinth, I had the idea when reading about it in our church's weekly word to do a "mental labyrinth" each day during Lent. One of the Lenten disciplines that I would like to have is to really get close to God each day. I pray at least once a day, and try to read my Bible and do devotions daily, but I sometimes wonder if I am really connecting with God the way I did when walking the labyrinth. So I said to myself, by doing the mental labyrinth each day in addition to praying, and reading my Bible, I can have that connection with God. 

I find that meditating and praying really helps me to stay focused and grounded. There is so much stress in my life, and anything that I can do to "de-stress" I will do it. Scripture says in Matthew 14:23 "After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone..." When I read that verse, I think about how the labyrinth (physically or "mentally") allows me to be by myself and pray, just like Jesus did on the mountainside. I think it is important for all of us to find a way to meditate and pray, and to stay grounded and connected to God. Maybe research labyrinth's and find a way to do a "mental labyrinth" each day. I promise that you will feel relaxed and refreshed. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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