Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Power Of Prayer

I have always prayed before meals, at bedtime and in church. But when I became ill, prayer became a much bigger part of my life. Now, in addition to praying at meals and at bedtime, I pray at least once a day in the morning, and read my Bible every day, except for chemo days when I am completely out of it. But even then I read some sort of scripture verse. When I don't pray I feel empty, as though I need to be spiritually nourished and fed. When I pray and/or read scripture I feel at peace. I always have my prayer shaw (given to me by the prayer shaw committee at my church) wrapped around me when I read my Bible and pray. I can feel God's arms around my shoulders, and I know that those who knitted it just for me have prayed over it. Prayer is a kind of meditation for me, it allows me to refocus and become grounded. I feel as though I am having a one on one conversation with God, and were the only to people in the world. Even though I have had prayers that have not been answered, or have been answered in a different way, I still feel peace. I know that I have left it in God's hands. I do believe in the power of prayer, and I believe that God does here our prayers. He may not answer them in the time in which we want them answered, or even in the way we want them answered, but he knows whats best for us and what we need. Prayer gives me strength, and it helps me to be able to continue to fight each day. I know that without that spiritual food, and God's love, I would be empty, and feel so incomplete. There is something that only God's love can fill, and we all need it. I encourage you all to find a time each day to pray. Maybe its before bed, when you first get up in the morning, or in the car on your way to work. I guarantee that you will be spiritually fed, and filled with God's love. 

Psalm 66:19 "But God has surely listened and has heard my prayer." 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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