Saturday, January 19, 2013

Back Home

Well I am finally back home after my surgery on Thursday. I am doing well, pretty sore, but all and all not bad. The surgery ended up taking three hours, instead the estimated hour and a half. Apparently there was a lot of scar tissue (thank you steroids), and they ended up calling in a general surgeon, to make sure that they didn't damage any organs or anything, but luckily all went well. I only spent one night, and was able to come home yesterday. I am trying to stick to my normal routine, because I know that will help me recuperate more quickly. I even plan on going to church tomorrow, because I know it will give me strength. The emotional aspect of the surgery hasn't really hit me yet, and I don't have any regrets right now, but I know that it will hit me at some point. I really have been praying and turning to scripture a lot during this time, because I find that it had given me strength and peace. I know that this was the right decision, and I believe that it is all part of God's plan. I know that he only wants good for me, and he will provide abundant blessings for me. This roller coaster journey that I am on, is not something that I would have imagined in my wildest dreams, but I know that is has helped me grow spiritually, and mentally. I have met wonderful friends along the way, and my family and friends have provided me with so much love support. Job 4:4 says, "Your words have supported those who stumbled; you have strengthened faltering knees." I really feel that this verse describes what God, my friends and family have provided me. Their words have supported me during the darkest of times and they have provided me with so much strength and encouragement. I want to thank all of my wonderful friends and family, and those of you who read my blog. You don't realize how much support and encouragement you have given me. I am so blessed that God has put each and everyone of you in my life. I can't thank you enough!!!!

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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