Monday, August 15, 2011

My Illness Is Not My Identity

Yesterday when I was in Sunday School we were asked to write down words or even slogans that describe us or who we are. As I was composing my list i could think of many things; faithful, energetic, opinionated, fun, loyal, caring, and others. One word however, that did cross my mind that I did not put on the list, was sick. One of the struggles that people who are living with a chronic illness have, is being identified by not only myself, but other people as a sick person. When I have periods of feeling miserable, numerous medications, hospital stays, and doctors appointments, it can be hard not to be seen or feel as anything but a sick person. The key is to remember that I have other interests that make me who I am besides my illness. It's important to keep my mind alive, and continue to go out and do things when I can so I am not a hermit. I know from experience that I'm not just a sick person. I am not my illness. But I do have faith that God will make me more than a sick person. Than I am a strong person. 

Joyful Love 
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

1 comment:

  1. So first I loved this blog comment. You aren't sick....that isn't who you is something you have to work around! Great attitude. BUT does this post mean that you are home again? For how long? What is the newest game plan from the doctors? Meanwhile what are you doing to help you feel somewhat productive - other than concentrate on getting better (which is a full time job many times)?
