Tuesday, August 2, 2011

And The Fun Begins

Well today is my second day here in the hospital. I have already had my catheter placed for plasmapheresis, and I had my 1st treatment of the plasmapheresis which took more or less about an hour and forty five minutes. I'm a bit tired from it but am OK. I have to have two different bags of fluids going through me, each on a different pump. They are pretty much doing every test possible to make sure I'm OK for the maximum dose chemotherapy, the treatment is what they call "sub-myeloblative." I get bored at times just sitting here in the hospital, but they can bring me stuff to keep me occupied, and at least I have my computer and ipod. I will continue to have updates. Right now I;m feeling OK but am tired. Doctors say I still have a high SED rate and CRP which means I still have lots of inflammation. I'll continue to post. 

Joyful Love
Blessings In The Lord
Alexandra K. Acosta

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